NPI and EINs- Do I need one?


An EIN is an Employer Identification Number issued by the IRS. EINs are issued for the purpose of tax administration. The EIN protects your social security number from being disclosed on forms such as 1099 forms, claims, business licenses, etc.

Who needs one? If you plan to:

-Start a new business as a sole proprietor, partnership or corporation

-Hire employees

How to get started?

-Check with tax and legal professional

-Review IRS website for application SS4 (business names must follow IRS alphanumeric rules or names are rejected)


A National Provider Identification number (NPI) is a 10 digit number unique to you and does not change based on where you work. It is used for billing purposes on claims submitted to insurance companies.

NPI’s have replaced using a social security number, which can open up the possibility of identity theft.

This number does not identify the state you live in or your medical specialty. You also must share it with other providers who may need it for billing purposes. 

Therefore, not only RDNs in private practice need a NPI, but any RDN who works for a hospital or agency who is billing for their services. This became effective in April 2003 when the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was implemented.

What if I do not plan to work in a hospital, clinic, or practice in an office—should I apply for an NPI?

Yes, it will identify nutrition professionals who can fill food, nutrition and health positions. 

The credentials of RDN and nDTR provide resources for federal agencies to meet the requirements of mandated and future programs. If we cannot be located or counted, less trained individuals may be accessed for such positions. Stand up and be counted. 

To apply for your NPI,

As you begin or continue to grow your practice, we are happy to consult with you. Sign up for a free coaching session.


Opportunities to Increase Income


Fee Schedules for Insurance Plans